Accelerating Discoveries Into Medicines

Our Mission

The Stanford Innovative Medicines Accelerator (IMA) seeks to accelerate the translation of Stanford research discoveries into new medicines while expanding our knowledge of human biology.

A Differentiated Approach

The IMA transforms biomedical discoveries at Stanford  into promising medicines. Projects enter the IMA superhighway through competitive project selection. Each project is matched with in-house industry experts who, bolstered by world-class facilities and scaling partners, help those projects navigate the landscape of translation, providing the best chance of success. This acceleration harnesses Stanford’s collaborative prowess in translational and clinical research and the scaling capabilities of our strong external alliances to democratize drug development and de-risk investments in potentially transformative new medicines. Our pipeline is diverse in disease areas and modalities, with projects that range from small molecules to gene therapies, from infectious diseases to oncology.

Success Stories

Projects supported by the IMA have the potential to transform medicine. Learn about some of the products that exited our pipeline.

Funding Opportunities

Experimental Human Biology

The Stanford Innovative Medicines Accelerator (IMA) is accepting proposals to address unmet therapeutic needs through human subjects research. Through this solicitation, the IMA seeks to support human subjects research that is ripe for translation by fostering the clinical development of new or extending the use of existing drugs, vaccines, and companion biomarkers that directly enable drug development. This could be a proof of concept trial for a new medication, a new indication for an existing proprietary or generic drug, or a companion biomarker.  

Cell and Gene Therapies

The Stanford Innovative Medicines Accelerator (IMA) is accepting proposals for projects that address two major challenges in drug development: identification of drug candidates and optimization towards clinical gene and cell therapy products. Through this request for proposals, the IMA is soliciting Letters of Intent (LOI) for projects that fall under the cell and gene therapies module. The IMA is dedicated to accelerating the drug development of innovative translational gene and cell therapies that target unmet clinical needs. Basic research is outside the scope of the current RFP solicitation.

Ensuring Impact

The IMA engages with diverse partners who help realize the full potential of these projects. These alliances ensure that our road-tested, validated prototypes continue on their path to patients beyond the walls of Stanford.